Tuesday, October 9, 2012

30 blah

Well, I need to start this out by saying that blogging is TOO much pressure. You people are too demanding! It was all, "Cathy, where is the next blog", "I need something funny today", "You need to put your shoes in the closet". I just ran away and never returned. Well, I am back now! Who knows for how long so just enjoy it while you have it. Same grammar rules apply as previously mentioned.

Since leaving you 11 followers I have done some pretty remarkable things. I refinished a coffee table, made my first photobook, bought a new bathroom rug and polished off a bottle of wine or two. I will describe these things in great detail as we catch up. Less impressively, In the past two years I gave birth to an incredibly good looking person, bought a business and drank WAY to much in celebration of my 30th bday. It would have been nice if y'all checked in every now and then to see how I have been these last few years.

In the blogs to come I will regale you with tales of pregnancy, labor, child rearing, vegetable shopping, leg shaving and bouncy balls. Additionally, I have decided to try something new each week of this my 31st year. You will get to hear about those adventures too! Congrats! Get ready for the unbelievable excitement that will be new nail polish colors, perhaps some skinny jeans, and maybe even a low back tattoo.

Thats all for now. It feels indifferent to be back. Thanks for reading folks!