Wednesday, February 23, 2011

All of your dreams have come true

I would like to preface this inaugural blog by stating the fact that grammar rules rarely enter into my mental processes. So, if you are put off by dangling modifiers or misused gerunds then turn away now! I actually embrace a comma splice. Now that we have that straight...let's begin!

If I have heard it once then I have heard it at least twice

“Cathy, you have got to start a blog”

I never really had much use for it so I have resisted the pressure and significant monetary offers until now. I have only read a handful of blog entries and most of them seem to be offspring centered. No offense to all of you bloggy mothers (you know I love most of you) but I have no real use for all that. You may be wondering what has changed to make the wishes of all of you blog readers (is there a term for those who read blogs?) come true. Well, I recently read about a teacher who was blogging and said a few “touchy” things and got herself suspended WITH PAY. What the heck kind of punishment is that?? Oh, you can sleep late and watch Full House all day and we are still going to send you a check. I hope that teaches you a lesson lady! So, I figured I teach, kids occasionally annoy me, I have friends who are bored enough to read my jibber jabber AND I sure could use a little vaca. Here's hoping folks!
I can't promise to update this regularly or be hilarious at all times but I am going to give it the old college try. As a reader of this blog you can expect mostly classroom antic-dotes and stories illustrating the colorful nature of Memphis. I hope you enjoy my ramblings but if not put back a few cocktails and read it again. My humor increases as your sobriety decreases.
There are a few rules to this blog
  1. If you spend time with me you are likely to be entered into a blog...Don't be a Sensitive Susan (Emiline this one is for you)
  2. I don't need feedback on my grammar, spelling or political correctness.
  3. Don't tell my sweet, handsome, loving husband when he appears in my blog...This will likely result in pouting and you being robbed of some real gems
  4. Listen to Dolly Parton while reading...I will make sure that each blog is written to the rhythm of one of her masterpieces
  5. NO joke stealing

That is all for tonight. I will try to get back to y'all tomorrow but the weather channel is calling for tornadoes and they give me a nervous stomach. Thank you Jackson, TN. I am not sure that my laptop cord will reach the bathroom. We shall see.

Peace out folks!